Monday, March 14, 2011

The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics

In honor of Heather Momand, who is reading Mere Christianity for the first time. C.S. Lewis has profoundly influenced me from childhood to adolescents to adulthood. He writes the truth in all it's severity.
This compilation includes:
Mere Christianity - This one alone perhaps qualifies Lewis as a modern church father.
The Screwtape Letters -Always new. Spiritual warfare is never more compelling than in the narrative style of a personal correspondence. I've read it twice and still look forward to the next reading.
The Great Divorce - Still working on this one
The Problem of Pain - Ouch, talk about convicting
Miracles -Yet to read
A Grief Observed - Raw.Must read for all who wish to walk alongside those who are grieving.
The Abolition of Man - Hm, not gotten to this one either. Bring it!

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